Sleeping is very important for your mental and physical health.
A night of good sleep is necessary for both mental and physical health.

Picture this. You wake up one morning and it’s time for you to fix yourself or else you’ll be late. You’ve barely slept and spent most of the time staring at the ceiling. You’re stressed and you want to get back to sleep. As a last resort, you take sleeping pills only to find yourself the next day to be dazed, dizzy and weak at work. You decide to stop the pills and try to sleep normally but once again find yourself faced with the same dilemma. Even if you’re already tired to the bone and look like a raccoon with your perennial eye bags, you still just can’t sleep.

You are not alone. In today’s fast-paced society, sleep deprivation is very common. People nowadays seemed to be so tied up with work. Spending many hours at the office. At home, even as they lie down in bed, getting rest is such a challenge. They can’t get their mind off their work and other matters that float inside their head.

 Importance of Sleep

Needless to say, sleep is very important in the development of your body. Health experts and research have already shown that lack of sleep adversely affects people mentally and physically. Lack of sleep makes you so tired and confused, which also increases the chances of making bad decisions and taking unreasonable risks. Medical studies show that extreme cases of sleep deprivation may result in hernia, weakening of muscle tissues, and other problems usually related to physical overuse. Conversely, getting enough sleep boosts your immune system and concentration while enhancing your overall physical appearance. Studies also point out that people who get enough sleep are more productive compared to their stressed and burned out counterparts.

 Side Effects of Sleeping Pills

Sleeping pills have lots side effects that you should be aware of.
Sleeping pills

To address sleep deprivation, many people turn to sedatives and other products that are supposed to improve their sleep. Health experts, however, warn the consumers that these drugs do have side effects. Researches say that one of the major side effects are the reduction of brain cell activity causing short term memory loss. An effect similar to the hangover effect is also may also be experienced when over the counter sleeping pills are used. Their research indicates that the use of these drugs may also cause drug tolerance, physical side effects like headaches, and withdrawal symptoms.

Beneficial Effects of Nature

There are some natural herbs that can help you sleep.
Natural Herbs

Some people, on the other hand, prefer to use natural remedies. Health reviews say that there have been excellent results with apple cider mixed with honey. Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and two vinegar mixed with 8 ounces of water. Drinking this mixture before bedtime may help with your sleeping problem. Research has shown that apple cider vinegar contains the right amount of biochemicals, vitamins, and minerals. Honey, on the other hand, contain small amounts of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. These amino acids are probably the reason why honey acts as a sedative. Health reports add that honey overdose may be unlikely because of the right amounts of vitamins and minerals it contains. That is probably why it is considered by many as nature’s healthy sugar.
Other beneficial vitamins and herbs are as follows:

An Adaptogenic herb, helps combat stress, calming herb.
Ashwagandha: an Adaptogenic herb, helps combat stress, calming herb.

Calcium: helps relax muscles.

Chamomile: against nervousness herb, useful for ADD, a sleeping disorder, and stress.

Catnip: a calming herb, used to help you sleep without affecting you the next day.

Hops: primarily used for the treatment of anxiety and insomnia for thousands of years.

Primarily utilized for ADD, a sleeping disorder, stress, and Irritable entrail disorder.
Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm: primarily utilized for ADD, a sleeping disorder, stress, and Irritable entrail disorder. 

Magnesium: loosens up muscles and is a decent mind loosening up the mineral. 

Skullcap: utilized in the past fundamentally as a calmative and a stomach related guide, and is known for its quieting impacts.

Valerian: are a tranquilizer and calming herb useful for disorders such as restlessness, nervousness, insomnia, hysteria, and headaches.

According to studies, mammals that are rendered unable to sleep for prolonged periods tend to die from the loss of the ability to regulate their body temperature. While this has not been tested on humans, it is reasonable to assume that the same would occur if a person were to be prevented from sleeping for three weeks. A lack of sleep in connection with fatal familial insomnia can cause rapid degeneration of brain cells, though it is uncertain if fatalities are directly caused by the sleep deprivation or if it was caused by a related problem.

The immune system can also be impaired by a lack of sleep, making a person more susceptible to infection and disease. The cardiovascular system, which is believed to go into a more relaxed state during sleep, can be taxed during a prolonged period without sleep. In some cases, three days without sleep can lead to a heart attack or heart failure. The circulatory strain has likewise been known to go up because of the absence of rest, with certain cases being accounted for where the weight really multiplied. This, combined with the effects on mood and temperament, can do serious damage to a person’s relationships.

Surely, losing rest is something beyond being sleepy the following morning. If left unaddressed for such a long period of time, it could worsen and lead to the loss of not only sleep — but of your mind, as well.

How well are you sleeping? What techniques have you tried before? Comment below for a discussion.

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